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My Dream

I’d like to be a stormy sea
To burst the waves and crash the rocks,
With northen wind to soar above
And cheer my heart with rapturous songs.
All-seeing stars would burn the sky,
Like candels burn a gloomy cave.
I would suck in all their light
And make my rivals be my slaves.
I’d be a formidable sea,
With every creature awed of me.
And no one could cross me safe
And reach the shore through slaying waves.
But if your vessel slid across,
Against the wind, among the rocks,
I’d cut my rage like with a knife
To give you way and save your life.
I wait for you, I count days,
I catch your smell, I search your trace.
But you drift in your gentle pool -
And I am dreadful, strong and cool.

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