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Dear mother, why do you make me cry?
What’s the reason you left me alone?
You escape from me and don’t justify
Why you can’t come back to take me home?

From the cradle I’ve had to take my doom
To survive in world that is violent
Hear that I cry lying in the gloom
Why are you, my mommy, keeping silent?

This ward’s cold and dark. All I feel is fear
Nurses passing by. Hardly they may care
Infant’s sheet is wet and no one is near
Either nappy is so tight or baby’s bare

Hunger and infections are in store for me
I may perish, but no one is worrying
Nourishment and treatment from your breast I need
Why do you, my mommy, keep ignoring?

Please, my mom, come back, rock me in your arms
Lullaby is what I just need to hear
This aggressive life frightens me and harms
Why did you, my mommy, disappear?

Mommy, ask you why did you give me birth?
Misery is my nursery and home
I am not beloved by someone on this earth
I’m unwanted child living all alone

September 2008


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