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United Kingdom

Автор оригинала:
Вячеслав Збарацкий
I like this beautiful island always,
In the morning, and in the night!
This island has a nice and gentle face
Look on the left, look on the right.

In the autumn, summer and in the spring,
In the dark and in the light,
On this island there is everything,
Flowers even blossom at night.

I look at big old buildings everywhere,
I love your warm hands on my shoulders.
I like this Leaves Park and Evening Square,
I know - you feeling coded in a folder.

Oh, England! Cloud a river silent bank
I say to your bridges - many thanks.
Oh, Wales! You have fine type on the sea
Wonderful sunrise in morning I see.

Oh, Scotland Mountains of a fantasy is right!
In fairy tale it is removing here at night.
Oh, Ireland your massive fields
And big holms natural build.

Four sisters live and pleased in this fashion
We hear four accents in his conversation
Grateful land and friendly is you,
United Kingdom I love you!

This poem was written together by me and my daughter Nina.


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