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Автор оригинала:
What do people even know about them? We often blame our emotions, we often hate their moral anguish, and desire. the fact that they are gone, while envying the machines that have only YES or NO and no IF. But that there is our life without pain, without experiences, without burns and cuts , only through feelings we can understand the true value of what we have... I go at noon, Sunday streets, a small lazy town and every now and then I glance at the now familiar, the inhabitants of which my existence is covered by invisible glass, a mirrored screen. I hear swearing, you hear curses, obscenities, hell they are pushing with all the force of their own children, they blindly hate those who are out of a ridiculous stamp, happened to be his "family", I'm angry I want to roar, but can not a lump in my throat muffles all sounds...
How? When did the world become a stronghold of cynicism, calculation, and personal gain in all its manifestations? When people once giving for love to close life, began to kill, injure and humiliate the native, the mothers and fathers, the children, the friends... No, I'm torn apart, I can't stand the flow of dirt and the smell of that filthy cesspool they call life.
For what? What for? I keep a gun for an arm and a finger gently stroking the trigger, because I can go to any of them to bury blued barrel in the forehead and ask one question:
_"Why do you live, why are you so afraid to die?"
Death brings rest, calms anger, thoughts stop, do not shout "damned" children, do not need to communicate with neighbors and just random people, do not need to snatch at the store on the girl sewing at the box office, everything becomes simple and great. Why so much fear after all desire to be a robot implies full refusal from feelings and of emotions such as sorry, love, compassion, understanding of, joy, why would not to abandon and from of fear, greed, cynicism and cruelty together, why in the face of Death they so want to live, under all under this even not understanding meaning this words. They feel pity only for themselves as love as well as all other feelings, but alas none of them realizes how much is wrong. None of them will ever feel this euphoria, will never understand what gift he received at birth and how great the significance of this gift.
Alas, my destiny can only watch and regret... Well, sometimes you do pull the trigger, so to speak for balance and getting rid of absolutely feral instances...


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